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Todo el contenido de manolojones

  1. manolojones

    Las ventas del verano: ¿Qué barco escoger?

    Yo estaba esperando al Abruzzi, pero por ese precio, ya me puedes regalar otros dos premium, que ni de coña...
  2. manolojones

    Bonus y Códigos WoWs

  3. manolojones


    Yo esperaría a ver si sacan el Sigfrido por carbón, y a ver qué comentan de él cuando salga.
  4. manolojones

    Sobre el juego .

    Tendrás que descargarte el cliente EU, pero partirás de cero, ya que no podrás usar los barcos que tengas en el NA.
  5. manolojones

    Problemas de Ping

    Ah, ésa es ya un clásico...
  6. manolojones

    Problemas de Ping

    Qué suerte, yo pregunté varias veces y nadie se dignó contestar...
  7. manolojones

    Problemas de Ping

    Sí, yo también he notado cifras raras de ping de -24 a más de 1000. Aparte de eso, he observado que desde ayer noche el juego tarda en cargar desde la pantalla de inicio, y en plena batalla muchas veces tengo un retraso de unos segundos en la respuesta a los comandos; el barco gira tarde, dispara un par de segundos después... Por no mencionar que me ha tirado un par de veces y que me ha costado Dios y ayuda volver a la batalla. También tengo Vodafone, pero otros juegos como Guild Wars 2 y Destiny 2 me van perfectos.
  8. manolojones

    En Desarrollo - Futuro contenido

    No nos asustes...
  9. manolojones

    En Desarrollo - Futuro contenido

    We will instead focus on unique, interesting, but non-mandatory content, like new ships. El Colbert y el Ohio, para empezar. Solo faltaría que WG metiera ahora los nuevos premium de tier alto en el sistema NTC para fastidiarnos. We will fully remove direct performance buffs for ships which were originally presented in this system. No van a aplicar las mejoras a los barcos de desarrollo, pero me estoy temiendo que puedan hacerlo en esos premium para hacer que merezca la pena reiniciar las líneas. Si es así, puedan estar OP no, lo siguiente.
  10. manolojones

    En Desarrollo - Futuro contenido

    Encuesta sobre el NTC, realizada por Flambass:
  11. manolojones

    En Desarrollo - Futuro contenido

    Ante el aluvión de críticas, empiezan a improvisar sobre la marcha: consumables and-improvement-of-the-matchmaker/?do=findComment&comment=3069320 Dear players, We would like to comment on the recently announced feature, which you undoubtedly know about - Naval Training Center (NTC). First of all, we hear you and appreciate your feedback. Thank you for letting us know about your concerns, expectations and thank you for caring for the game. While the Center is still under development, we're already working on a couple of changes based on your discussions across different platforms: The combat buffs will become incremental and significantly smaller than announced originally. Instead of having big leap in ship stats, we will concentrate on smaller improvements which will still be nice to have on your favorite ship. But they will not feel mandatory to be competitive. We will do our best to make it diverse and incorporate other types of rewards for using NTC in further Seasons. As many of you suggested, we will consider such things as rare resources and cosmetics to be in the reward pools. This will allow to keep the combat buffs under control and diversify the rewards instead of concentrating on ship upgrade. We will tweak the economic settings of NTC to reduce the gap between the players. We will make sure that the entry level of NTC is lower, and that the overall system works more for width of the rewards instead of depth. For example, instead of resetting and revisiting the ship line to get 1 strong level 1 bonus for 1 ship (probably tier 10), players will get a few smaller bonuses they can distribute. Overall, we will remove the pressure to min-max one ship, shifting it to evenly upgrading your collection with incremental buffs that do not create imbalance compared to other elements of ship loadout. We will be mindful of the influence this system can have on competitive play. As we already said before, some capping of NTC buffs is possible for competitive, but with the feedback you gave us, let's be even more clear: NTC buffs will be capped at level 1 for Clan Wars, Clan Brawls and Training room. With the changes to the buffs themselves and their cost of acquisition, it will remove any unnecessary gap and maintain fair play. Only if we're absolutely sure that the core audience is invested into the new system we will consider increasing the cap. We will continue improving this feature and looking for ways to reinforce the good parts of the system, while mitigating the parts you don't like. Our current tentative plan is to release this feature withing update 0.8.7, but if any critical improvements are planned, we will take our time and work more on this. That said, we also have several clarifications about the parts of NTC which probably were not explained well enough on our side: Completely switching the system to cosmetics or resources is not going to work. We seriously considered this option, but from all our experience with various in-game activities and their rewards, we still need to keep some performance-based rewards to keep the progression meaningful. However, we really appreciate your ideas about having much less significant bonuses and adding other types of rewards to make the buffs even more scarce. This system rewards long term engagement, but we will make sure that it is much more dynamic and that the rewards also feel achievable. However, each season will have limits for maximum number of line resets, and with the changes described above it will be about having small nice bonuses, not about the "stressful race to make your Yamato tier 11". NTC buffs, especially with the substantial reduction, will be offset by free improved consumables. As we mentioned, even on battle tier 10, over 50% of games are played with free consumables. On lower tiers, the number is even higher. A lot of players are struggling to use these consumables because they're still grinding credits, or merely not experienced enough to appreciate their importance. An extra charge and much quicker cooldown time for Repair party or Heal makes huge difference in fact. Of course we do understand that for high-end players the usage of improved consumables was mandatory anyways, but that's why the buffs are being tweaked and will be limited in any competitive modes. While the first proposed implementation of NTC obviously needs more work, we believe the whole idea is still relevant. On the recent CC Summit we discussed the need for high-end meaningful progression. It's still there. We do not plan to release fewer ship lines, stop working on new maps and game modes, or to stop introducing quality of life improvements, but the core playerbase still exceeds our expectations in terms of activity. This feature is just one of the ways we are planning to address this need in future updates. We realize that this PSA did not cover all of your questions and concerns. In the near future we will release at least 2 more important articles: answers to your most popular questions and the second part of this announcement with more details on how we are tweaking the system according to your feedback. Once again, thank you for your input, and stay tuned. Cheers!
  12. manolojones

    En Desarrollo - Futuro contenido

    Alucinante... Barcos de desarrollo a la venta con descuentos para los siguientes tiers... Lo que faltaba por ver... Lo siguiente será vender líneas completas. Total, hará falta pasar 7 veces el árbol para conseguir todas las mejoras...
  13. manolojones

    En Desarrollo - Futuro contenido

    El vodka que beben es cada vez de peor calidad...
  14. manolojones

    En Desarrollo - Futuro contenido

    Más que eso, la diferencia va a estar entre los que se pasan horas y horas jugando, y los que jueguen unas pocas batallas cada día... Personalmente, con lo que me costó llegar a tier X, ni de coña voy a vender mis líneas de barcos para empezar desde cero...
  15. manolojones

    Descubierta nueva manera para esquivar torpedos

    No, si al final, darse de morros con una isla iba a tener sus ventajas...
  16. manolojones

    En qué gastareis vosotros...

    Saqué justo para el Murmansk. Como ya lo tenía, 3000 doblones a la saca.
  17. manolojones


    Si mal no recuerdo de cuando estuve allí, esos pecios son parte de la atracción turística de la zona para submarinistas. No sé si verdaderamente pertenecerán o no a un particular, pero espero que si la venta es real no los adquieran para desguace, aunque imagino que el Concejo de las Islas Orcadas tendrá algo que decir al respecto.
  18. manolojones

    En Desarrollo - Futuro contenido

    Y no nos olvidemos de la clase N3 británica, con sus 3x3 de 457 mm.
  19. manolojones

    En Desarrollo - Futuro contenido

    He descubierto la marca del vodka que beben los de WG...
  20. manolojones

    En Desarrollo - Futuro contenido

    Y os recuerdo que tanto el H-44 como el A-150 estaban proyectados con cañones de medio metro...
  21. manolojones

    En Desarrollo - Futuro contenido

    Venga, y el siguiente será el H-42 o el H-43 con los 457 (que no creo que tengan suficiente vodka como para atreverse a armarlo con los 480...). Ya puestos, nos inventamos un République o un Jean Bart con los 457... Y así ya damos gusto a todas las naciones para que tengan acorazados de tier X con los cañones de calibre máximo. ¿Apuestas?